Saturday, May 5, 2012

summer nights!

School is out for the Summer! 

I can't believe i've knocked out three years of college. THREE YEARS! that is quite a significant number for me...& I have to admit, i'm proud of myself. I knocked my junior standing out of the ballpark, which is such a big relief! 

I have some pretty cool jobs lined out for summer...for the first part of summer, I will be working for college pro painters...painting the interior of houses. it's a fulltime job, monday-thursday, so I will have friday-sunday off! perfect! :) then in July, I will be traveling to michigan to go to a blue lakes music camp with my little student. I'll be nannying her for three weeks. when we return from michigan, I will move into her house and be her full time music tutor for the last remaining month of summer! I am so excited! 

Next week, our choir will be going up to Helena, Montana to perform the Mahler 8th symphony. Talk about intense. Of all the major works I have ever performed, this is most definitely the most difficult. We have been working really hard since January, and it will be exciting to finally preform it! We will be worked super hard, but it will be so worth it. I get to stay with my sister and my brother-in-law, which is awesome, cause they are the best! Abi and Lakota are coming up with me, and I am excited to get to know them better:) My mom and dad are also coming, which means mothers day will be spent in Montana with the whole family! 

I'm also turning 21 at the end of this month! Kind of surreal, because it seems just like yesterday I was celebrating my Sweet 16! I am SO EXCITED FOR SUMMER! (that is...if it ever decides to warm up around here..)

Holla' if you're ready for some summer nights!      

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Blessings

This Easter, I am thankful for...

My Family. they always have my back. aunt and uncle mcvay included.
Foster Irwin. this fantastically positive & handsome missionary i've been writing.
Classical Music. this time Franz Liszt. Composers always teach me something.
The Gospel. it remains to be true. it continues to change me.
Friends. friends like Emily and Nathan. You know, the ones that won't even betray you.
Matt Nathanson. his music and lyrics continue to inspire me. oh, and his face :)
Being Single. thank God I dodged a bullet. 
Choir. keeps me sane.  
Being Busy. has also kept me grounded. 

Beautiful, Perfect, Easter Sundays...

like this: 

nuff' said.  

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


why yes, I AM working myself to death in school.
& i'm loving it. 
I am gonna be a rockstar.
one day, people will be singing my lyrics.

probably gonna try this to my hair.
both the cut & color!
 feeling adventurous!

l.o.v.e. this quote. what a wonderful attitude to have!
I have to admit, my attitude is the best its ever been.

Just a quick little update for you all:
I'm single.
I'm LOVING it.
I don't need a man to make me happy.
Married to my piano.
Loving on that.
Running every day. 
Looking and feeling so good.
Going to see Matt Nathanson next weekend :)
Just purchased this for the BIG DAY: 

I moved into a safe place with some awesome roomies!
I have the best dog in the WORLD.

He is clearly all I need for now.
For the first time ever, I'm completely content. 
As an almost 21 year old should be. 